Our Five Pillars

Health & Wellness

Covid-19 Updates

A.D. Lewis Center Vaccine Clinic
A.D. Lewis Community Center
1450 A D Lewis Avenue
Huntington, WV 25701

Tuesday: 9 am – 1 pm

Ages 18 & older. No appointment needed.

Fairfield Connect

This quarterly health prevention workshop provides COVID-19 updates, and connects you with free or low-cost healthcare resources, including education and counseling, in the Fairfield and Huntington Area. Get to know the local physicians, and learn more about the options available to you. Health is wealth!
Fairfield Connect Logo

A.D. Lewis Center

The A.D. Lewis Community Center provides a safe place for gathering, recreation and education for the entire Fairfield community, especially children and young adults. With a wide range of facilities, the center also offers programs, meals and after-school mentoring. The A.D Lewis Community Center continues to offer free COVID-19 vaccine clinics each Tuesday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Expanding the education programs is one of the benchmarks for the center and several steps are underway using a $1 million endowment gift donated by Cabell Huntington Hospital Foundation to the A.D. Lewis Community Center Fund of the Foundation for the Tri-state community for STEAM Education. A.D. Lewis has taken the following steps:


Fairfield U Program

The Fairfield U Mentor Program was created through a partnership between the Fairfield CDC and the Marshall University School of Medicine.  The programs director is MUSOM student Jacob Kilgore.  The program designed for children aged 12-17 in the Fairfield community to provide mentorship and educational opportunities to participants. Mentees will meet with their mentors at least 2 times a month, given availability of both. There will be various incentives (MONTHLY STIPEND) for mentees throughout the year. Participants will meet once monthly for educational sessions(a curriculum has been made!!), along with once a month to do community service activities. If no community service opportunities are available, participants will meet with their mentor to discuss academic progress, help with homework, or to simply talk about the mentee’s general well-being. Mentees will be required to complete an end of the year project with their mentor to be presented at the year-end ceremony.

Upon completion of the program, participants will receive a certificate of achievement. As mentees participate in successive years, certificates for multiple-year participants will be awarded. 75% participation and completion of end of year project are required to obtain certificate. The same requirements must be followed to obtain the monthly stipend. Mentees will have ACT/SAT prep meetings with mentors as well. Mentees will also receive monthly grab bags of household goods and healthy foods.

Background research and why this program is necessary:

  • Diseases that disproportionately affect minority populations—>diabetes, obesity, kidney, liver, urologic diseases, and various cancers. These conditions are correlated with lower socioeconomic status, less education, lower paying jobs, higher levels of unemployment, and less health care coverage found among rural residents. This often further translates into less access to health care, lower rates of disease screening, and less access to accurate and current health information.
  • Boosting the number of underrepresented individuals in science and health-care is critical to meeting the needs of America’s increasingly diverse society, reducing health disparities, and raising cultural competence
  • Studies indicate that underrepresented minority scientists and health care providers are more likely than non-underrepresented providers to care for and understand diseases predominate within underrepresented populations. Studies have also suggested that the health and health care of underrepresented minorities are improved when providers of similar ethnic and racial backgrounds provide the care.
  • Exposure of minority HS students to STEM related activities while they are young increases the likelihood of them entering a career in the field.

  • To build relationships with children in the Fairfield community where the medical school, pharmacy school, and hospital resides, closing the gap that separates the communities.
  • To foster community pride into the children of the community and into the students of the medical school, pharmacy school, and more.
  • To expose local children to different STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math) pathways, particularly medicine and healthcare professions and let them know that it IS attainable for them and that they can do any and everything they put their heart and time into.
  • To serve as mentors to children in the community and build individualized, personal mentor-mentee relationships.
  • To follow the mentees and their growth/performance overtime with IRB approved studies.
  • To build successful individuals that will one day give back to their home community of Fairfield, a full circle program.


Down Payment Program

The Fairfield Community was chosen to help pilot a new lending program for specific geographic areas. Fairfield CDC is partnering with Huntington Bank which will loan 80% of the home price in a conventional loan with 15% as a no-payment, interest-free loan, and the borrower will put down 5% toward the purchase price.

For example, a purchase price of $100,000 would look like this:
    • $80,000 loan (assume 3% interest rate) – principal and interest payment – $337/month for 30 year loan
    • $15,000 (0 payments and 0%) – $0 payment (principal due when the home is sold)

Jobs & Development

Job Fair Opportunities

Be sure to check back in for upcoming job fairs and hiring opportunities

Northcott Court Redevelopment

The City of Huntington received approval from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to demolish Northcott Court, which was built in 1940 and consisted of 13 buildings and 130 housing units on approximately three acres. The plan called for rezoning the property along Hal Greer Boulevard into a commercial area. Community input has resulted in a mixed use plan which would include a grocery store, affordable and market housing and some retail and/or office space on this site.
The City of Huntington in partnership with the Huntington Housing Authority received a HUD Choice Neighborhood grant to develop a Master Transformation Plan. This plan is now complete. You can find this plan here.


Be sure to check back in the future to see what safety programs we have implemented.

Fairfield Community Development Corporation

1450 A.D. Lewis Avenue
Huntington, West Virginia 25701
Hours: Monday - Friday | 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

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Fairfield Community Development Corporation

1450 A.D. Lewis Avenue
Huntington, West Virginia 25701
Hours: Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm

Fairfield Community Development Corporation (FCDC) is a 501(c)(3) consisting of stakeholders from the Fairfield Community.